
CHINA-BELGIUM DIRECT EQUITY INVESTMENT FUND: China-Belgium Direct Equity Investment Fund (CBDEIF) was established in November 2004 as a result of the initiative of the Chinese and Belgian governments’. Its registered capital was 100 million Euros. The entrusted investment capital was raised to 2 billion CNY in November of 2012. The nine shareholders of CBDEIF include the Chinese Government (represented by the Ministry of Finance), the Belgian Government, Haitong Securities Co., Ltd., BNP Paribas Fortis, as well as five other large Chinese institutional investors (including NSSF, CDB capital, and SDIC). By supporting the development of Pre-IPO high-tech SMEs in China through equity investment, CBDEIF contributes to the transformation and upgrading of the Chinese economic structure while promoting the economic and trade cooperation between China and Belgium.

Eurazeo China Acceleration Fund: The France-China bilateral fund was formally launched in 2020 by the 3 partners, Chinese sovereign fund China Investment Corporation (CIC), European leading bank BNP Paribas (BNPP) and Eurazeo, one of the top 3 French Private Equity players. The Fund seeks to invest in French and Continental European companies aiming to open new pathways for growth in China.