Bank of Nanjing

BNP Paribas became a shareholder and the strategic partner of Bank of Nanjing (BoN) in 2005. Both parties are in cooperation across the full scope of business services across capital markets, financial institutions, trade finance, international corporates, consumer & personal finance, insurance, asset management, alongside another areas, as well as knowledge sharing in risk management, financial management, asset and liability management, human resources and trainings. BNP Paribas is the single largest shareholder of BoN. To help share our expertise, BNP Paribas has one director that sits on the Board of Directors, and secondees to BoN consisting of one Vice President and a team of experts.

In 2007, BNP Paribas and BoN jointly set up the BoN consumer finance center. The two parties have built a leading core technology and specialised business model well suited to the Chinese consumer finance market. This successful partnership demonstrates a fruitful cooperation between a Chinese bank and its foreign strategic partner. In 2022, BoN and BNP Paribas jointly took control of Suning Consumer Finance Company and renamed it BoN-BNPP Consumer Finance Company, in order to further enhance the consumer finance service capability and business coverage.

BoN and BNP Paribas also jointly invested in Jiangsu Financial Leasing (JSL) which specialises in professional financial leasing solutions. JSL is also one of the largest financial leasing companies in China and the first financial leasing company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE).

About Bank of Nanjing

BoN was founded in 1996. It is one of the 50+ listed banks out of nearly 1,800 domestic banks nationwide, in addition to being the first City Commercial Bank (out of ~130) listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (2007). BoN provides services in Jiangsu Province, Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou. Today, BoN ranks 21st among the Top 100 Chinese Banks (China Banking Association 2022). Worldwide, BoN ranks 101st in the Top 1000 World Bank and 98th in the Top 500 World Bank Branding (The Banker 2022).