Standard Fee and Charge

CIB Standard Fee and Charge – effective 12 October, 2024
1. Not to turn loans into deposits. Each bank shall adhere to the principle of “actual-loans-to-pay and entrusted payment” in the loan business, pay the loan funds to the counterparty of the borrower(s) in full, and shall not turn part of the loans into deposits by setting mandatory clauses or through negotiations.
2. Not to link the deposits with the loans. The loan business of the banking financial institutions shall be strictly separated from their deposit business, and no approval or issue of any loan shall be conditioned upon the deposits.
3. Not to charge extra fees on the loans. All banking financial institutions shall not charge fees by requiring the client(s) to accept unreasonable intermediary services or other financial services upon the issuance of loans or provision of financing through alternative means.
4. Not to inflate the interest and divide it into fees. All banking financial institutions shall comply strictly with the principle of “separation of the interest from the fees”, strictly distinguish between the interest bearing and charge businesses, shall not charge fees by dividing the interest into fees or increase the interest rate in alternative forms.
5. Not to be reluctant to issue loans and bundle the loans with the sale of other financial products. All banking financial institutions shall not bundle or pack the loans with the sale of other financial products such as wealth management, insurance and funds when issuing loans or providing financing through alternative means.
6. Not to inflate to the upper limit. The pricing of the loans of the banking financial institutions shall fully reflect the capital cost, risk cost and management cost and no bank shall inflate the loan interest rate to the upper limit uniformly.
7. Not to transfer the cost. Each banking financial institution shall bear the costs associated with due diligence investigation and collateral appraisal, etc. incurred during the course of carrying out the loan business and other services by law and shall not pass on the operating costs to the clients in the form of fees.
Transparent in fee charge items
Transparent in service price and quality
Transparent in purpose and function
Transparent in preferential policies