BNP Paribas Disaster Recovery Run on 5 October 2018
Dear customer,
Please be informed that, in order to ensure the quality and stability of the Bank’s services, the Bank will be conducting Disaster Recovery Exercise of banking system on 5 October 2018 according to regulatory requirements. With this exercise, 5 October 2018 will be declared as a normal business day for the Bank.
With regard to the cash pooling service the Bank is providing, this exercise will have below impacts on clients’ accounts and reports:
- If reverse sweeping is set up, reverse sweeping for sweeping entries on previous working day (30 September 2018) will take place on 5 October 2018.
- Entrust loan interest under cash pooling for September will be settled on 5 October 2018.
- Sweeping will take place based on cash pool account balance at the end of day of 5 October 2018.
- Cash pool daily and monthly reports and advices as of 30 September 2018 will be sent to clients on 5 October 2018, and cash pool reports and advices for the activities on 5 October 2018 will be sent to clients on 8 October 2018.
With regard to payment service the Bank is providing, this exercise will have below impacts on clients’ accounts and reports:
For Outward Low-value Payment (LVP) / Bulk Payment (24×7)
- Fund will be debited.
- For payment executed on 5 October 2018, client advice will be sent.
- MT942 and MT940 will be generated and sent to Connexis Cash.
For Outward Cross border – TT (non-CNY)
- Client account will be debited.
- Client advice dated 5 October 2018 will be sent.
- MT942 and MT940 will be generated.
- MT950 will be generated.
If you have any concern on above-mentioned impacts, please contact your Relationship Manager or Client service hotline (+86 21 28962626)in the Bank.