BNP Paribas has been awarded “RMB House of the year” by Asia Risk for the second time since 2015, recognising the Bank’s market-leading onshore and offshore RMB capabilities.
“We distinguish ourselves from the market as an RMB business leader by anticipating market developments and steadily investing in our diversified but integrated RMB platforms. BNP Paribas is well-positioned to embrace regulatory and market changes with our clients, and to develop innovative RMB solutions that best serve our clients’ needs in investment, financing, hedging, asset management and custodian services,” said Chen Bing, CEO of BNP Paribas (China) Limited
Asia Risk said being named a market-maker for the newly launched Bond Connect scheme and becoming a member of the China Foreign Exchange Trade System (CFETS) enables BNP Paribas to provide both onshore and offshore CNH forex hedging products to offshore clients engaged in Bond Connect, as well as the commercial import and export trade.
In January this year, BNP Paribas was extended the non-financial corporate bond underwriting licence by the National Association of Financial Institutional Investors to underwrite debt instruments for corporates in the China Interbank Bond Market. BNP Paribas is one of only a few of foreign banks to have the qualification to underwrite debt for both financial institutions and general corporates in China.